Just a thought about yesterday…

I had cause to be really inspired by a client yesterday. I won’t mention her name but let it be known that she has great credentials in the health sector but has an absolute passion for bringing her clinical knowledge and experience, in conjunction with her post graduate study in a different discipline to the world of business.

Her vision is around working with neuro-diverse people in the working environment and supporting them to be operating at peak performance.

The thing I really love about her approach is that she is very clear that she doesn’t want neuro-diversity to be either medicalised or used as an excuse for anything less than full and productive participation and contribution to the success of either the individual or the business.

It's astonishing how many people are out there in the workplace with so much untapped potential when all they need is some professional support to really begin to shine.

My happy place – working with people who build a business that has direct commercial and social consequence.

I’ll talk about this more as time passes and things become more solid and taken shape.

In the meantime, let’s just rejoice in the knowledge that there are clever people in unexpected areas thinking, planning and doing things to make a better world and a decent living from the same thing.


Taking the temperature of NZ society


Rethinking communication - words fail me.