16 things that keep SME owners awake at night - Introduction.

This series of short articles are specifically aimed at owners of SME businesses. Although we all have different concerns and different strengths and weaknesses, there are some things that keep coming up over and over.

Over the next 16 articles, I’m going to give you some short, pithy action points that may help you get “unstuck”. You’ll find some common ground through many of them, but if you see the same (or similar) action suggested, don’t think of it as being duplication. Think of it as being reinforcement that you really should be looking at doing it.

If at any stage you would like to reach out and talk in more detail about any or all these issues, or even ones that aren’t mentioned, please call me on +64 275 665 682, email me at john.luxton@regenerationhq.co.nz or book a time to talk, either face to face or by Zoom. Any call will be free, confidential and with no obligation to do anything else.


16 things keeping SME owners awake - 1. I’m worried about the economy.


Blog Post Title One