Crikey New Zealand, we might have ourselves a problem and it’s a doozy.
I felt compelled to write this after an encounter I had with a prospective client. In the interests of full disclosure, this was a person previously unknown to me who had received an edm from me regarding financial health as a factor in SME success.
His emailed responses to me were as follows -
first email - a very unflattering photo of Jacinda Ardern with the comment "tell that to this witch".*
I enquired if he would like a chat anyway, even though I don't share his exact views about Jacinda.
second email - If you were FORCED to take the FAKE VAX -- You now ether have VIDs (AIDs) -- Or are developing VIDs
You can thank Jacinda ARDERN for you early death - and suffering over the next few years
We all tried to warn you.. BUT you would not listen
Watch this -- This was information that those of us that were paying attention was available in Jan 2020.. And now confirmed
I asked why we are discussing vax and observed that he appeared to be quite het up about the subject
third email Because Jacinda ARDERN has MURDERED - 65% of New Zealand With a SLOW kill bio weapon.. - by 2030 most people that took it will be dead
I hope you didn't take it..
Now, I'm not sharing this encounter to mock or denigrate this chap. I'm sharing it because we have some uncomfortable truths to face in New Zealand.
Social cohesion is being broken down by the day and radicalism becomes more and more mainstream. Just think about this. I wasn't delving intyo the seedy, dark recesses of the internet, let alone 4Chan or 8Chan or Redditt or any of the places that conspiracy lives and thrives.
I had idenitified this chap's business as being "in the sweet spot" for the sorts of services I provide. Absolutely mainstream and yet this business owner's head was in this dismal place.
I can't show you, but I can describe that in the original form, his responses were in an enormous font, bold and bright blue. My immediate concern was that he was having some kind of an episode and I am currently pondering trying to call him to see if he is ok, but have some reluctance to engaging in that way.
Here's what I want us to think and talk about. Without knowing his exact circumstances, I'm assuming that as a business owner of what appears to be a reasonable sized manufacfturing business, he has staff and quite likely a family.
What must it be like for a wife, children and staff of someone so clearly not quite right? Before anyone gets defensive, I am not engaging in a debate about vaccination. Everyone is entitled to their views and the people that know me know that this is an area I am pretty conformist.
But, the deranged and obsessive thing is incredibly toxic and can actually be quite frightening up close and personal. I know, because I have some of it quite close to me and I have had to learn not to engage in the battle because no good can come of it.
My opinion is never going to convince someone with strident views. All that this leads to is escalation and falling out and in a family context, that is a terrible shame and can create rifts that never heal.
This fringe thinking is much more prevalent than you might think and I have yet to meet anyone who has the right answer for how we should behave with people like this.
The business community have traditionally been conservative but mainstream in most respects. But even around where I live and work, there are endless billboards on farmer's properties and in people's own front yards sending vitriolic messages to other's, whether the old government or the new one.
As a community we have got to find a way of putting our arms around everyone, despite who these fringe types are presenting themselves as and make them feel like we are all part of the same society.
This issue is pressing because alongside the old chestnuts of vaccination, 3 Waters, He Puapua, the Maori Health Authority and let's not forget cycleways and road cones, we now have a government hell bent on policies that they may believe in all sincerity are for the best for the country but are at great risk of creating some deeper social divisions that will not be easily repaired.
This is not a political message. Whether I agree with the government or not, I do care deeply about the country I belong to and it tears me up to see us fracturing and atomising as a cohesive social unit.
Unless we can find a way to heal some of the rifts, we are going to be in trouble as a society and given the challenges we face globally over the next while, we had better have each other's backs or we will be a very nasty and dangerous place.
The only piece of advice I have heard that seems to have any credibility around dealing with people with "out there" beliefs is not to challenge them directly, or try and change their mind with "facts" because generally they are too far down the rabbithole to see your "facts" as propoganda pushed on you by the corrupt mainstream media. (I know, just breathe.)
What appears to be effective is behaving as might be expected in any polite society. Listen attentively, ask questions that are relevant and give due consideration to the answers. We have got to demonstrate to these people that we don't think they are crackpots or we alienate and lose them.
I have been sorely tempted to have blazing rows, sneer at their idiocy and block them out, but the fact remains, these fringe things are like a cancer. They are growing and metastasising daily and we can't afford to have such a divided society.
This is a serious plea to decent, thoughtful and compassionate people everywhere. Put some thought into how we can decompress the dialogue, engage civilly with people of all persuations and knit things back to gether again. If we don't, we are in for a world of hurt.
Any thoughts, comments and ideas would be gratefully received.